6 Foods For Glowing Skin

Whether you're slathering them on your skin or including them in a fresh meal, these 6 foods will have lasting health benefits for your body.


Eat em': These buttery fruits are leading the pack of superfoods. With their richness in antioxidants and essential fatty acids they will keep your skin supple and be great source of healthy fats. Spread on a sandwich or diced into a salad they are a delicious addition to many meals.

Wear em': Pureed avocado used as a face mask is said to increase collagen production and skin elasticity. They are also a great source of potassium, which is known as the "youth mineral".


Drink it: Tea has been an herbal remedy for thousands of years. More recently its antioxidant properties have been show to help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; encourage weight loss; lower cholesterol; and bring about mental alertness. 

Apply it: Wanna bring out the natural highlights in your hair? Brewed teas like Chamomile and black tea can be used to amp up your locks. Just saturate your hair with 8 ounces of cooled tea, place shower cap over head, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse.


Eat em' or Drink em': Rich in vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium, they are the most nutrient dense of all the nuts. The tryptophan in them can aid in relaxation before bed and almond milk is a great alternative to cow's milk (my kids love it).

Apply it: To make an invigorating body scrub, grind 1/2 cup almonds in a food processor until fine, combine with 2 tablespoons organic virgin olive oil and mix into a paste. In the shower rub on any rough spots like your feet or elbows and rinse for super smooth skin.


Eat it: Cocoa is made by fermenting and drying the seeds of the cacoa tree. They have a high concentration of flavanols, plant compounds with antioxidant properties (more than tea and red wine) that help protect skin from sun damage and improve blood pressure for coronary artery disease patients.

Apply it:  The flavanols help protect the skin from damaging free radicals from the sun. Get all over protection by adding 1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder to your bath water. 


Eat it: Consuming this creamy goodness can actually help brighten your smile. The calcium and phosphorus strengthens tooth enamel and prevent cavities. Non-fat organic yogurts are also high in protein, which is essential for collagen production in your skin. Yogurt also contains lactobacteria, intestines-friendly bacterial cultures that foster a healthy colon, and even lower the risk of colon cancer.

Wear it: Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy that's great for sloughing away dead skin cells and unclogging pores. A simple plain yogurt facial applied two or three times a week will leave you with soft, supple skin—and save you a load of cash on beauty products.


Eat em': These red berries pack a powerful punch! The have over 100% of the daily recommended dose of Vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity. Their anti-inflammatory properties can fight against many inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis and asthma. Strawberries are also very high in fiber, which can help maintain regular digestion. Just make sure to buy organic as the non-organic ones are on the dirty dozen list.

Apply em': In addition to being a yummy snack when covered in chocolate they also help clear up acne and oiliness, make skin younger and smoother, whiten teeth, reduce under-eye puffiness, leave hair glossy and beautifully conditioned, and so much more!

What's your favorite "double duty" food?

Nourishing my skin in Granolaville,

If you want to GLOW during your pregnancy and beyond, check out my doula services over at Soulfueledmama.com

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I eat and use everything on this list! It makes me feel good to know that I am doing the right things for my health and wellbeing. GREAT info here. I wish that more people would drink almond milk.

Also salmon and quinoa are great!! Quinoa is my new fave...

I saw and heard that certain types of these food can keep you looking younger including exercise for a person who's his/hers late forties reason I'm saying that I'll be 47 this week and should I worry about getting old?

How about olive oil. It makes the skin little oily but is fantastic to get a glowing skin. A great list by the way. Keep up the good work.

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