I don't know many things worse than being criticized by your mother. I think I'd rather step on a Lego with my bare feet than have my mother blatantly point out my short-comings.
Those "loving" suggestions, as she calls them, are even worse when they put a spot light on your mothering inadequecies. I should clarify that 95% of the time my mom is the most supportive and positive person in my life.
However, no one is perfect.....and she doesn't hesitate to casually that point out.
Case in point: As you may know I live in a house with 4 boys (including my husband). There is never a shortage of cuts, scraps, bruises and other physical injuries. I'm used to bandaging up boo-boo's and sending them on their way. Underneath my bathroom sink is an arsenal, stockpiled with every size band-aid and gauze pad CVS has to offer.
One thing I'm not huge on is ointments. It's not that I have some philosophical aversion to them, I just never seem to have any.
So, when my 6 year old came running in the other day with two knees that lost a battle with our neighbors driveway I cleaned off his wounds with peroxide, threw on some Phineus and Ferb band-aids and sent him on his Ninjago fighting way.
Then I felt a disapproving stare coming from the direction of my dining room. My mom asks, "Don't you have antibiotic ointment or Neosporen?" I held my breath, trying not to sound too annoyed by her question.
"No mom. I was hoping he would get gang green and his knees would fall off so that I could carry him around all day."
So much for not sounding annoyed.
"I don't like that stuff anyway, you have no idea what they put in it. I should just make my own, how hard can it be?"
Fast forward a few nights later, and I'm in my kitchen concocting what I think is the best damn healing salve (pronounced "sav" for those of you like me who've been saying it wrong) you'll ever find. Take that mom!
This salve can be used for minor cuts and burns. In colder months it is a perfect moisturizer for dry skin.
Granolaville's DIY Healing Salve
Here's What You'll Need:
A large knife
A double boiler or two pots about the same size
Roughly 1/2 cup local bees wax.
- provides a protective barrier for the skin from dirt and other irritants
- has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties
- acts as a humectant, drawing in moisture from the surrounding air
- contains Vitamin A which helps promote cell repair
2 Tablespoons Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
- rich in anti-oxidants and bursting with the natural microbial and antibacterial agents caphrylic and capric acids. (Natural News)
- Protective sun screen and moisture barrier
- Adds smoothness and a sweet smell to the salve
5 Tablespoons Virgin Olive Oil
- natural lubricant
- retains moisture on the skin
2 Tablespoons Avocado Oil
- helps prevent/heal minor scarring
- increases collagen production
- very similar in nutrients to Vitamin E
1 Tablespoon Organic Honey
- anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties
- natural preservative (only food that can last FOREVER, literally)
20 drops Essential Tea Tree Oil
10 drops Essential Lavendar Oil
- aids in pain relief
- antiseptic and anti-fungal
- smells soothing
1. Cut chunk of bees wax off.
2. Fill bottom pot of double boiler with water and place on low heat.
3. Add in bees wax and melt completely. It should take about 15 minutes.
4. Once melted, add in all other ingredients and stir until mixed.
5. Pour into GLASS or Metal container ONLY! Putting it in plastic could melt the plastic or release chemicals into your salve.
6. Wait until it cools and apply anywhere on your body it's needed. The salve is thick, but just place between your hand and rub. The heat will make it into a smooth cream.
Ever made a healing salve. Let me know what you think!
P.S. I rubbed some on my mom's arthritic hands and she LOVED it!
Feelin' the healin' in Granolaville,
Hi thank you for the recipe:-) Do we have the same mother, Im Danish:-)
I have two boys, BUT it is me and husband that gets cuts and burns :-) We are very clumpsy:-)
Best regards
Isabella, yes you are my Danish sister! I'm super clutzy too... or clumpsy. Both are no good! ;-)
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