Wellness Wednesday: Know Your Limits

Part of achieving wellness is knowing what ARE capable of and what is an UNREALISTIC expectation. Push yourself to do your best, but don't set goals so high you feel defeated when you come up short.

Part of being who we are, as people, means accepting we can't DO or HAVE it ALL, all of the time. We can achieve greatness, we can overcome obstacles, and we can live a life of health that is a shining example to others.

But sometimes we will fall flat on our face. Sometimes we will put so much on our plate we make it difficult to get anything done well.

A 10 day fast was out of the question for me, but the 3 Day Reboot was just enough for my system to do just that, reboot.

Working out 5 days a week is not something I desire to do considering my family, writing obligations, and general disdain for gyms. BUT going for a walk with my hubby, running around the yard with my kids, or going for a swim gives me the benefits of exercise while having fun and not becoming dependent on a class.

Eating fresh, real, and healthy food is doable MOST of the time. But sometimes you need to enjoy life, go to a Mumford and Son concert with your husband, eat a pulled pork BBQ sandwich, and not beat yourself up the next day when you admit to the world (or just my lovely crunchy friends) you have reached your limit. Just get back up and try again.

Thanks for not judging folks. I'm gonna go hit up my juicer.

Do you set limits for yourself? What are they? Share in the comments below!

Just a Human Being in Granolaville, 


I use an app on my phone that tracks my calories so I am always aware of where I'm at for the day. When I see that I've had a lot of good days where I stay within my goal, I feel good. So if once a month I want to splurge on something, there's no guilty feelings about it.

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