Uh huh. I said it. That calorie free soda pop that you thought was a freebie in the dieting world is a BIG FAT LIE.
I know you might be shocked, pissed, or even a little sad that your trusty carbonated friend is really a back-stabbing, boyfriend stealing bitch. And you should be.
For years the cola companies have been playing on our desire to have a body like Shakira or Britney Spears (back in the day) without doing much work. They sold us the idea that diet soda was the answer to our prayers. We could still have that bubbly goodness without the guilt.
Today they lure us in with Sofia Vergara...with her ample breasts, trim waistline, pouty lips...maybe I could look just like her if I drank it everyday....
Snap out of it, Nacia! (Yes, I talk to myself in the 3rd person whenever I'm selling myself a load of crap)
Sorry I'm back. So here's the dillyo. Diet soda is NOT YOUR FRIEND (and neither is Sofia Vergara)!
Nothing about it is good for you. But even worse, it's helping you hold onto weight you THINK it's helping you lose. It's like going on a Krispy Kreme diet and wondering why you need to lay on your bed with a pair of pliers to get your jeans on.
Still not convinced?
Here are the top 5 Reasons why Diet Soda Sucks!
Say it with me now...ass-per-tame. Or as I like to call it a sugary cancer pop. Aspartame is used in diet soda because it's 200 times MORE sweeter than sugar, which means soda manufacturers can use less of it. Spending less money and making you feel like you're avoiding extra calories.
In a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the artificial sweetener also known as NutraSweet and Equal was given to rats, who upon their death displayed an increase in malignant tumors, lymphoma and leukemia.
"Our study has shown that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogenic compound whose carcinogenic effects are also evident at a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg), notably less than the current acceptable daily intake for humans,"In addition to being carcinogenic (aiding in the growth of cancer) aspartame is a neurotoxin that has been linked to Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and Dementia.
Aspartame is the second most widely used sweetener in the world, after her devilish sister High Fructose Corn Syrup. It can be found in nearly 6,000 products like gum, candy, cough drops, drinks, hot chocolate or anything that says Sugar Free on the label.
A 2005 University of Texas Health Science Center study found a 57.1% risk of obesity for those drinking more than two daily servings of diet pop. (Fitday.com)Our body gets confused by artificial sweeteners. Purdue University psychologist Susie Swithers explains that your body learns to feel full by associating with certain tastes with calorie intake, including sweetness.
Diet sodas taste sweet, so your body thinks, "Hey I just got some calories to turn into energy!". But once it digests and your brain and stomach come back reporting, "You tricked us, that wasn't full of calories. We need more." Then you return to the fridge to satisfy your hunger and might even indulge more since you had that "calorie free" soda or sugar free candy bar.
Over time you change how your body reacts to sugar. Each time it's presented with something sweet tasting it immediately thinks "I can't use this. I'm still hungry, let's eat that whole apple pie!" The vicious cycle continues and you're left wondering who shrunk your jeans.
The acid and sugar from regular soda can be harsh on our teeth. Even though diet soda is without the sugar, the acid is still there, slowly eating away at the enamel that is supposed to protect our teeth. Both phosphoric acid (found in darker sodas) and citric acid can promote tooth decay.
With a pH of 3.2, diet soda is very acidic. (As a point of reference, the pH of battery acid is 1. Water is 7.)
Nothing will make you feel shitter than being overweight & having jacked-up teeth.
An 11 year long Harvard study over 3,000 women found a 30% drop in level of kidney function for participants who drank 2 or more servings of diet soda daily. Kidney function is imperative for the removal of excess fluid and waste, balancing salt and minerals in your blood, and regulating your blood pressure.
Going back to the kidneys. Caffeine in diet soda triggers them to increase urine production. Which, in-turn, causes a decrease of water in the body. Not enough water can lead to dizziness, headaches, increased heart rate, and even death.
Listen up, I like you TOO MUCH to let you die with bad teeth, a bum kidney, and 20 lbs overweight. So please put DOWN the diet soda and pick up one of these tasty alternatives!
Water. I know it seems boring, but our bodies can't live without it. Water will quench your thirst better than any soft drink, and if you get from home it's FREE!
Fresh Juice. Who wants to eat your daily recommended dose of fruits and veggies, when you can make them into delicious concoction, pumped with all the power and nutrients your sexy self needs?
Fruit Infused Water. Vitamin Water is great, if you want to ingest 33 grams of sugar (or 8 teaspoons). (Just to compare, a can of Coke has 38 grams.) Instead, try cutting up some lemons, apples, oranges, limes or strawberries and making a your own.
Coconut Water. Nearly just as hydrating as the non-coconutty version, pure coconut water is very refreshing. Try sticking to brands like C Coconut Water. You'll get all the benefits without that overwhelming coconut flavor some other brands that makes you smell like you ate a scented candle.
Did you know diet soda was so dangerous (and evil)? Did you recently discover this, or one of your other favorite "healthy" drinks was no good for you? Share your comments below!
Lovin the REAL Sweetness in Granolaville,
Seltzer and Club Soda is okay zero calories and sodium also diet lemonade and iced tea.
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