First off I want to thank EVERYONE for the out-pour of birthday wishes and crunchy love I received yesterday, I'm one lucky lady! If you haven't gotten a chance to yet, you have 3 days left to enter in my Favorite Natural Product Birthday Giveaway!!(Now over)
Check out the entry form above for YOUR chance to win some awesome prizes!
I had a great day yesterday stuffing myself silly with fattening, delicious food (everyone can use a day off from juicing and organic eating). I got to spend time with family and friends, which is the best part of any day.
Too bad my night didn't get to end on such a high note.
Right around the time I was sinking my teeth into my fully-loaded bacon cheddar burger with mushrooms, and garlic aioli (it was sinfully good) my 23 month old began crying while shoving his finger into the back of his mouth.
I touched is head, which all of a sudden felt like it was on fire. I thought we had avoided this whole period of growth, but I couldn't deny Nolan was cutting some serious molars.
A few months ago I had purchased an amber necklace and shared the reasons why it is used as a natural aide for teething babies. Since then, we've never had any issues with teething. Nolan would have the tell-tale drooling and minimal crankiness, but it was never unbearable.
Last night that ALL changed. He was crying out in pain, running a temp, and so just laying in a mushy puddle against my chest. He had about 3 ice pops, chewed on a frozen teething ring, a cold wash cloth, and nursed.
Nothing was soothing him.
After a few hours of this I decided to do something I try to avoid...I cracked open the children's ibuprofen. Usually if my kids have a fever I let it run its course. Fevers are an indicator that your body's immune system is trying to fight off some kind of infection by heating up to a temperature bacteria and viruses can't stand.
When you reduce that fever prematurely you can prolong the healing process and actually stay sick for longer.
In most instances I would try a cool compress or bath. But I knew his discomfort was caused more by the pain in his mouth, than the spike in temperature. So to give him some relief I slipped some pain reliever in his apple cider.
It seemed to help for a while, until he was waking up every hour screaming in agony. I wasn't sure at first if he was having a bad dream because he would yell bloody murder from a deep sleep.
So I held him, rocked him, nursed him some more, and prayed we'd be able to get some sleep.
This morning he was like a different child, but I fear when his other molars start to come in we'll have a repeat performance. TO THE GOOGLE!
Here's a list of the top 5 Natural Remedies for Toddler Teething:
1. Chamomile
This herb, commonly found in tea, is a common remedy used for very irritable children with tooth pain. Some ways you an use it for your child are to crush up a chamomile tablet, found at a natural food store, and mix with water. You can also brew a chamomile tea, let it cool, and give it to your baby. Lastly, you can dip a washcloth in the tea, freeze it, and let your child suck on the cloth.
2. Belladona
Babies who need Belladona often have fever, may not be thirsty, and my startle easily while asleep. A popular, 100% natural, remedy is Hyland's Baby Teething Tablets. They claim, "Belladonna is included in the Tablets to ease the redness, inflammation and discomfort of the child's gum that often occurs during the teething process." This herb has come under some scrutiny because in large doses the leaves of the plant can be poisonous, but in smaller amounts has value. (As always please consult your doctor and do your own research when it comes to you health)
3. Chiropractic Adjustments
They aren't just for an aching back! Fellow crunchy mama Mommypotomus says, " [Chiropratic] helps by reducing cortisol levels and increasing white blood cell counts, which reduces stress and promotes healing for inflamed gums."
4. Amber Necklaces
Mom's in my Granolaville SWEAR by them! Raw, unpolished amber contains large amounts of succinic acid, a natural painkiller that is released against warm skin. Up until last night this worked like a charm and, as you can see Nolan loves wearing his!
5. Gum-omile Oil
This oil derived from willow bark and clove oil which are natural analgesics, and chamomile can help calm cranky babies.
At the end of the day you have to do what works for you and your baby. Always consult your doctor and if all else fails, rum works wonders (to help YOU sleep, not the baby!)
What's your natural go-to for teething pain? Share it below, and don't forget to enter my Favorite Natural Product Birthday Giveaway!!
Hugging my cranky baby in Granolaville,
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I also been using a necklace that has hazelwood and amber. It has helped a lot.
I'm so glad! I know many people who swear by their amber necklaces.
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