Thoughtful Thursday: If Anything Were Possible, What Would You Do?

I've never seen the movie The Bucket List, but it got me thinking...why should you have to wait until you are on death's door to tackle your fears and live the life of your dreams?

There's no simple answer. For some of us it's fear of the unknown. We're afraid that a new experience won't live up to our expectations or afraid of not knowing everything that will happen.

Then there are those who don't believe in themselves or their ability reach their goals. These people write off their dreams as nice, but impossible.

I fall into the category of people who are overwhelmed by the amount of things they want to accomplish. I tend to start projects, but never finish them. Creating this site is one of the first things I've done in the last 2 years that I planned in my mind and heart, which came to fruition.

It continues to grow with readers like you, who are excited about sharing their natural living journey and I'm so grateful for the space it has given me to share the things I'm passionate about.

But Granolaville and my Doula services are just the beginning. I have so many ideas, projects, and goals I want to accomplish I find it hard to concentrate on just one. I need more order and structure in my life to allow the creativity to be focused on one thing at a time.

But first I need to believe. I need to come from a place of infinite possibilities, in alignment with how the Universe really works.

I need to ignore that little voice who says "It's too much or too big," to accomplish. Actually, I need to tell that voice o shut the hell up.

There are inspiring people all over the world who have defied odds and created a life of passion and purpose.

So what would you do, if there were no barriers or obstacles? Could you open yourself up to ALL the possibilities to create the life you were born to live?

If you new that nothing was out of your reach, how would you approach your job? If you knew anything could happen how would that change the way you think, speak, and act?

I can tell you from first hand experience, when you come from a place of love and knowing that all you need, can be yours, doors will open to places you never imagined.

So let's start. Write a list of 4 experiences you want to have. They can be big or small.

For each item you want to accomplish write underneath it ONE thing you can do to get closer to making it happen. That way you aren't just throwing out "wishes" all willy-nilly. By attaching something actionable and concrete to it, it becomes more of a reality and less of a fantasy.

Here's the first 4 things on my Never Say Never List:

1. Pay off all Debt, including our mortgage.
  • Make smart spending choices including joining a CSA next season, eating out less, and sticking to our family budget.
2. Make a hub for women sharing holistic health information and inspiration.
  • Write and share quality content, everyday!
3. Write and direct a documentary on a topic I'm passionate about.
  • Vlog once a week to sharpen my skills and share my knowledge with a large audience.
4. Meet and work with Oprah.
  •  Continue on my path to teach and serve (throwing in some prayer for good measure!)

So there are just a few of the goals I wish to accomplish in the next 3-5 years. You can start out with more immediate goals or look more long term. Just make sure whatever is on your list will motivate and inspire you, because ANYTHING IS possible!

What are the top 3 goals on your "Never Say Never" list?

Open to the possibilities in Granolaville, 



Great goals. I have so many, but you have inspired me to think about them and write them down!

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