Natural Mom Monday: 5 Natural Ways to Cure a Headache

If you're a mom you had one of these at some point in your life....and if you haven't you deserve some sort of prize, award, or at least a firm pat on the back.

I'm dealing with one right now. I woke up around 5am this morning with a dagger-like pain encompassing the side of my left temple. I thought maybe if I went back to sleep, until my typical wake up time, I could miss the stabbing, throbbing pain.

I was OH-so-f-ing-wrong!

While making my kids lunches, it took all of my strength not to lay my face directly on the counter where I was assembling sandwiches. My oldest left first and now it was time to wake my 6 year old, which on a GOOD DAY is like raising a flesh-eating zombie from the dead.

As he sat and ate his breakfast, while watching some insanely lame kids show, I felt a wave of nausea sweep over my body. Sadly it wasn't the show creating this ill feeling. Even my son was concerned, asking," Are you OK Mom? Can I get you anything?"

What a sweet, sweet, boy I have. I finally got him on the bus and headed quietly back to bed with my cup of ginger tea and my sleepy 21 month old. Thankfully this wasn't one of those mornings where he was gung-ho about playing basketball or watching Blue's Clues.

It's now nearly lunch time and you know what, this headache is still lingering. Since I can barely type these words without squinting my left eye, I figured sharing some quick natural remedies would be a good idea for both of us.

1. Ginger tea

2. Water, water, water (dehydration is often the source)

3. Boil a handful of rosemary, place a damp towel over your head and breathe in the steam

4. Herbal tea with lemon

5. Eliminate temporarily caffeinated drinks, chocolate, dairy, red wine, and food with nitrates and sulfates (bacon, processed meat)

At this point I've done the ginger and I'm movin' onto the rosemary steam. Hopefully one of these will bring some relief. After all, I gotta be able to watch Steve find a clue.

Got any natural remedies to relieve a headache? Share them below!

 Trying to Escape the Pain in Granolaville,


I have a headache like that to, I'm here at work contemplating leaving early so I can get back in bed and close my eyes.... I might try the tea now and see if that helps me :) Thanks for these! I hate taking aspirin or any of those other OTC drugs :)

Recently started a regimen recommended by a neurologist...B2, coenzyme q10, feverfew, butterbur, melatonin, and magnesium. Within one month I had gone from 2 migraines/week to 2/month!!! So, I recommend it!

DJrelAt7 - I hope you are feeling better today. Did the tea work?

Lisa - That's a WHOLE lotta herbs and supplements! But your results are amazing, so I will keep them in mind next time!

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