I'll be the first to admit...I could not live without my smart phone. I barely remember a time when I wasn't able to check my email, update my Facebook status, plan my shopping list or "help" my son play a level on Where's My Water. It has become a permanent fixture in my life that in some ways has added productivity, while in other ways has kept me up until the wee hours of the morning "pinning".
Please tell me I'm not the only one?
Any new technological device has its pros and cons---your cell phone is no different. BUT we can choose how to wield this powerful tool; as a vessel for good or weapon of evil (screw you Words with Friends!)
My husband thinks what I just wrote is a load of bullshit. He will be the last person on the planet to get sucked into purchasing a smart phone. He thinks they are overrated, too expensive, and even harmful. Something about the microwaves in your phone seeping into your head...blah...blah...blah--- he loses me "brain cancer".
Now, while I'm not THAT flippant about the potential dangers cell phone can invite into our lives, like texting while driving, teenagers using it at as the new "bathroom wall", or the real disconnect it has created (heaven forbid you actually use your phone to speak to someone). I also recognize the value a smart phone can bring.
With the plethora of apps now available for Android and iPhone you can basically have a wellness army right at your finger tips. From making better food choices, calculating how many calories you burn, to helping you be more mindful, cell phones have really come a long way.
Who remembers this bad boy? |
10 Phone Apps 2 Improve Your Health
1. Run Keeper
What it does: Using your phone's GPS it keeps track of your pace, distance and calories. It allows you to listen to music while running, can give you preloaded cues to pick up speed, and allows you to customize your routine.
Cost: Free
Available HERE for Android & iPhone
2. Fooducate
What it does: Scans the bar code of any food item and breaks down the nutritional value in non-scientificy terms. Each item is given a letter grade from A to D and lets you compare foods side by side with healthier options.
Cost: Free
Available HERE for Android & iPhone
3. Lose it!
What it does: This handheld personal trainer allows you to calculate your caloric intake, set reminders for when to eat and exercise, track food with a bar code scanner, and share all your weight-loss success on Facebook and Twitter.
Cost: Free
Available HERE for Android & iPhone
4. Relax Melodies
What it Does: Say "Good-bye" to insomnia. Choose from 46 high-quality ambient sounds to soothe you to sleep, help with mediation, or just relax. You can even make a personal master mix of perfect sounds.
Cost: Free
5. iBirth
What it Does: This is one of my personal favorites, which I use all the time in my work as a birth Doula. It has a contraction timer, videos for positions to use to ease labor pain, a list of things to ask your doctor or midwife, and prenatal nutrition tips.
Cost: $3.99 (worth every penny)
What are your favorite wellness apps?
Technologically Healthy in Granolaville,
I use the Lose It! App with my friends, and I love it. You can also create custom food and exercises if you can't find something that quite fits with what you want. Great tool!
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