10 Natural Ways to Ease PMS

Yesterday I was possessed. Not by some mythical creature, alien life form, or demon from the depths of Hell...well maybe it was a demon. (Men keep reading...this information could save your life too)

I should start by saying I've become a pretty patient person, but please don't ask my husband to confirm that. Actually, for a woman living in a household with 4 boys (yes the hubby is included in this count) I should get Sainthood for all the shenanigans I have to put up with.

I deal with never-ending piles of clothes on the bathroom, bedroom, and family room floors. I barely make a peep about the sticks, balls and Legos that I pick up each day, only to have them "mysteriously" reappear in another room minutes later. I've even gotten used to repeating what I just said 4 times without going to my "Black Momma" voice. ("White Mommas" have this voice too, it just requires a little less neck movement)

N-E-WAYS....the point is, I almost never lose my cool, until about 12 hours before my monthly fertility reminder comes to town, and stirs up a whole bunch of shit.

Last night it was like some ranting and raving lunatic had taken over my body and I could barely keep it together. Little things that I would have shrugged off sent me flying into the stratosphere, crashing back down to crazy Bitchville (which is not nearly as zen as Granolaville).

I could see myself being an utter nutcase, but somehow couldn't stop it. PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one who has had these moments? If you haven't experienced the cramps, headaches, bloating, sugary cravings, depression, or high-flying mood swings than consider yourself lucky.

It is estimated that 50% of ALL women experience PMS, or premenstrual syndrome. That's a whole lot of unstable, doughnut eating ladies!

While not everyone shares the same PMS symptoms, it can be difficult for most women to find relief.

NEVER FEAR! I was a Googling freak this morning trying to find easy and natural ways you can deal with this stressful time and hopefully NOT have it end in your kids toys being thrown out, or your husband sleeping on the couch, indefinitely.

10 Secrets to Easing PMS

1.   Steer clear of sugar. Giving in to your sweet tooth could result in hypoglycemia, which is an abnormal drop of sugar in your blood once the tasty treat has left your system, leaving you feeling more irritable and lethargic than before.

2. Avoid alcohol. I know knocking back a glass of wine, or a Baily's Irish Cream with milk (not that I would know) might seem like a good idea to relieve stressful feelings, but since alcohol is a depressant you might end up feeling worse than you did. Also, "it disrupts the liver's ability to metabolize hormones, which can lead to higher-than-normal estrogen levels."

3. Stay away from salt. Eating foods high in sodium can increase water retention, causing bloating and breast tenderness.

4. Move your body. Aerobic exercise causes a release in happy hormones called endorphins that can help elevate your mood.

5. Get some rest. Interrupting your normal sleep pattern can make your fuse shorter than normal. Make sure to get a proper night of rest, some of these tips may help.

6. Calcium. Women with low levels of calcium have been shown to have a decrease in symptoms when taking this supplement.

7. Chaste Tree Berry. This South East Asian herb is very popular in Europe for reducing breast tenderness

8. Magnesium. This mineral naturally occurring in foods like black beans, peanuts, broccoli, and spinach has been shown to improve mood swings.

9. Evening Primrose Oil. This little flower has many uses, including aiding in ripening the cervix to induce labor, but for PMS it seems to only be backed up by anecdotal evidence of its efficacy. Never the less, many women throughout the world swear by its benefits.

10. St. John's Wort. For centuries, the flowering plant St. John's wort was used as a health remedy in Europe. Today, St. John's wort is best-known as a treatment for depression.

Do you have any secret remedies for easing PMS?

Regaining My Sanity in Granolaville, 

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P.P.S. For personalized support throughout your pregnancy check out Soulfueled Mama!


Hide far away from the rest of the world until it passes.... its a nightmare for us females as well as our families and frined.... and strangers.... beware

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