Kids Say 'NO' to GMO's. You Should Too!

Just when you think all the knowledge and experience you've been spewing to your kids has fallen on deaf ears, they say something that surprises you.

We talk about two things A LOT in our house. Food and birth.

While some might think being raised by health conscious parents would be super amazing, I often wonder if my kids secretly hate me for banning soda, limiting their sugar intake, and only buying "weird" organic bread.

Our toddler doesn't know any different, while our 7 year old constantly looks for ways to inject some sort of sugary goodness into his life.

But my teenager, the one you would assume would be disconnected, irritated, or outraged by his crunchy mama breast feeding his 28 month old brother, or the fact that we only buy nitrate free bacon, has become this awesome beacon of light for a new generation of crunchy kids!

The other day Tyler came home from school, excited about preparing for a debate in Biology class. The topic, Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO's. His stance, how they negatively affect the environment.

OH Happy DAY!!! (I think if he was put the other side I would've lost it)

We immediately sought the knowledge of our trusty friend, Google.

The plethora of information that came back was more overwhelming than the amount of people who've watched the Gangnam Style video on You Tube.

He decided to only include the stuff that was seriously shocking and scary (which really didn't narrow down his results much).

But first, what is a GMO?

Over the last few years the subject has become a heated debate in the news, online, and even in Washington with the introduction of Prop 37, which would have mandated companies label their foods as genetically altered, if it was passed in California.

Basically, a GMO is a plant or animal manipulated and grown in a lab to produce desired traits, such as being resistant to certain insects, herbicides and improve nutritional quality.

Traditionally, these changes happened via conventional plant breeding methods. But in an age when you can get 4G speed and instant messaging, the old way proved to be too slow and inaccurate.

But most people don't know the BS they're being fed about GMO's.

Mega-food monopolies like Monsanto, Coco Cola, Pepsico, Kellogg, General Mills, and Dean Foods have spent MILLIONS of dollars (34,440, 286 million on the Prop 37 campaign alone) to convince us that GMO's are actually better for you and the environment.

I'm always leery of someone needing to spent a shit load of money to show me why they are right.

Here's what they say:

1. GMO's are nothing new, people have manipulated crops for hundreds of years.

2. GM food is totally safe. No human has ever died or become ill from ingesting them.

3. GM food reduces the negative impact on the environment by protecting crops, allowing less chemical pesticides, water and fertilizers to be used.

4. GMO's can help world hunger by giving farmers the ability to produce bigger crops, with more bio-enhanced nutrients.

5. Farmers will reap the benefits from GM crops by increasing their production, and therefore their profit. Consumers win because they will be getting a superior quality product, with fewer chemicals used to produce it, and longer shelf-life.

6. GM food is better for you because WE will make more money.

Wait...oops, that last one isn't something you are supposed to know.

Just forget I said that. Anywho....

My son was really surprised by the amount of information trying to convince us that frankenfood benefits anyone. He had to be prepared if he wanted to win this debate.

Here's what he came up with to rebut the nonsense of his opponent:

1. While humans have, for centuries, cross bred different crops and animals, this new method of production leaps over biological barriers as if it was a rain puddle in your way. Through this laboratory food they are able to manipulate genes, transferring them from one species to another.

The latest example of this is AquaAdvantage, a genetically farm raised salmon, now approved by the FDA. This new "fish" extends the growth period by switching on the gene from the Chinook Salmon and eel-like ocean Pout. A combination that wouldn't be possible in the wild.

From the picture above, fish farmers would be able to get over DOUBLE their current profit, by selling these larger fish. 

Unfortunately scientists just don't know the possible effect of putting the gene of one animal into another, and WE are being used as the guinea pigs.

2. Studies have shown that consumption of GMO food increases rates of allergic reaction, fertility issues, digestive disorders, damage to internal organs, and YES even death of lab animals being fed the food. (source)

There have been very little studies that tracked the effects in humans AND most GM food is only studied for at MOST 90 days before being pushed to production.
In the only human feeding study ever published on genetically modified foods, seven volunteers ate Roundup-ready soybeans. These are soybeans that have herbicide-resistant genes inserted into them in order to survive being sprayed with otherwise deadly doses of Roundup herbicide.
In three of the seven volunteers, the gene inserted into the soy transferred into the DNA of their intestinal bacteria, and continued to function long after they stopped eating the GM soy! -

3. GM crops have far reaching impacts on the environment. By being infused with a “natural” insecticide they often kill off insects that are not the target of pest control. Instead bugs that are actually beneficial to the environment are destroyed, disturbing the natural equilibrium. 

On the other hand, those insects that are meant to be eliminated, have evolved to be resistant to the crops, ultimately requiring farmers to use more aggressive control measures, such as increased use of chemical sprays.

Same goes for plants containing herbicides, which have led to “super weeds”.

4.  I know we all want GIANT bananas and monster-sized salmon, but do they really provide better nutrition? Enough to cure world hunger?

Taking a look back at our GMO fishy friend, some of the nutritional deficiencies found are: a 10% decrease in essential chemicals (folic acid, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc), 12% less Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and higher levels of the growth hormone IGF-1, a known carcinogen.

So the hungry will be full, but malnourished.

5. Despite claims that GMOs increase crop yields, studies have found this claim to be untrue; the genetically modified foods take just as long to grow as standard foods. This means that GMOs do not save time or money and do not lead to increased profits for farmers.

Intellectual property claims of GMO seeds by companies like Monsanto, have created another unforeseen issue for farmers. Instead of saving their own seed they must relying on paying large fees to these agricultural powerhouses, which takes more money out of the family farmer pockets.

There have also been many cases of families losing their livelihood because bio-tech companies sue them for "seed stealing", a common occurrence anywhere wind or water can transfer seed from one place to another (pretty much EVERYWHERE).

6. "Big Agra" has a lot at stake in keeping us on the GMO bandwagon. Try BILLIONS of dollars. 

My teenager was able to conclude the best way to cast your vote on protecting your children and the planet from genetically modified organisms is by putting your money where your mouth is.

Only support companies who put your health ahead of their profits.

I'm seriously one proud crunchy mama.

What's the coolest thing your kid's done to show you they are ACTUALLY listening?

If you need ways to get your kids on board this natural living train, or want to find more balance and bliss in your own life email me at for a FREE 30 min consultation.

To learn more about my holistic lifestyle coaching practice, take a peek at Soul Fueled Living! And for doula services for mamas-to-be, check out Soul Fueled Mama


Ahhh, love this! One day while helping me do laundry my five year-old asked why parents don't love their kids enough not to feed them GMO's. I explained to her that those parents DO love their kids as much as her daddy and I love her, and most of them have no idea that they've been lied to about GMO's. She's passionate, though, and I love that about her! Hopefully it sticks through the teenage years and beyond. Bravo, mama!

That's so awesome! She sounds like a very wise girl! Thanks for reading!

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