I have a confession to make...although I've shared with you all how my change in diet, removal of chemicals from my life, and extended breastfeeding have gotten me down to the lowest weight of my adult life...I'm still fat.
To illustrate what I mean, let me tell you first what I DON'T mean.
I don't mean that I treat my body badly by overloading it with processed garbage. I don't mean I'm fat because I can't fit into a size 2 or don't have the frame of a 12 year old boy. I certainly don't think I'm fat because I believe the cultural bullshit story that tells us if you don't like your nose, stretchmarks, or cellulite you can and SHOULD have it fixed. Nor do I think I look like a beluga whale in my clothing ( I think I look pretty damn good, most of the time).
Over the last few months I've heard from friends, family members and even perfect strangers, "OMG you are SO skinny." The weird thing is when they say that I think they expect me to blush with confidence, smile and say, "Oh THANK you." As if being skinny is the best compliment you can pay someone.
Here's my issue....my body is lying to the world. On the outside I may fit into what society views as in shape, but the truth is I have the stamina of someone who IS overweight.
Like I said, I try my best to put good things into my body and removed 99% of the chemicals from foods, hair care and skin care products. I do run around after a 2 year old and clean up the never-ending messes of four male humanoids. But ask me to run for more than two minutes or hold myself up in plank position for more than 15 seconds and you'll see how weak I really am.
The point of me sharing this is not to come off as a fraud---creating physical, mental, and spiritual wellness is a top priority for me. But I also recognize that I have to live my life according to MY standards, not by those who don't know me, or even those who love me very much.
As the Daily Love founder Mastin Kipp says, "We are here to live a self-approved life." Only THAT can create true happiness and health.
The trouble is society doesn't support this idea. Instead they pit us against each other (hello tabloid magazines I'm talking to YOU!). They shoot down our confidence with phrases like "She has such a pretty face" or "She would be SO hot if she lost 50lbs".
We've been fed this garbage for so long about how the world views "beauty" that we not only believe it, but we pass it down to the next generation of women, and even men.
Check out this disturbing infographic.
Ladies we need to stop letting other people dictate how we feel about ourselves. If YOU feel like you want to incorporate more exercise into your life to create strong and healthy body, then do it. If YOU feel like you need to change they way you eat food to live your HIGHEST potential, then do it. If you want cosmetic surgery to change the outside, still understanding that what is within is the most beautiful part of yourself, then do it.
You know your body better than anyone else. You know what makes it feel alive and vibrant on the inside, no matter what it looks like on the outside. Don't base your wellness around how others define it. The only approval you need is your own.
Do you let outside pressures dictate how you feel about yourself? Share your thoughts below, I know we all can relate.
Living MY Best life in Granolaville,
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