Natural Mom Monday: 8 Ways to Celebrate Fall with Family

I am BEYOND thrilled right now! The weather has cooled off, the leaves are beginning to change, and apples are ripe for the pickin'. That could mean only one's FALL!!!

This is by-far my favorite time of year, the just air smells so crisp and clean (especially in my Granolaville). Of course I AM a bit biased. In a few weeks I get to celebrate a ton of awesome birthdays, including my son who's turning 2, and your very own crunchy friend is gonna be 31!

Not only is autumn the perfect transition into the cold winter months, but it also offers up a slew of ways to appreciate nature while having fun with your family.

Check out these fantastic 8 ways to celebrate Fall with the family!

1. Collect Leaves

I LOVE seeing the changing of the leaves from a deep green to bright oranges, reds and yellows. Take your kids through your backyard, neighborhood, or local park to gather their favorites. Make a leaf collage or decorate your home. It's a great way you bring the outdoors in.

2. Pick Your Own Pumpkins

Going to supermarket to get regular ol pumpkin just seems silly when you can scout out the perfect one at a pumpkin patch and haul it back to your car. Most pumpkin farms have a variety of sizes & shapes from giant jack-o-lanterns to tiny gourds. This site can help you find a patch near you!

3. Bake

Can you think of anything better than the smell of apple pie in the oven? Yea me neither. Fall is the best time of year to get the kids involved in the kitchen. Whether its chopping apples or making pumpkin pie the kids will jump at the chance to help once they get a whiff of the aroma of delicious treats. Check out this recipe for twice baked apples.

4. Decoration Party

My boys love hanging up fake spider webs, carving pumpkins, and the smell of my cinnamon broom. Make decorating even more of an event by playing some spooky music and inviting over friends and family to share in some warm apple cider. Here's a fun and simple way to dress up your front door in the spirit of Halloween.

5. Visit a Farmers Market

Fall is a great time of year to remind your family that there's nothing better than REAL food.  Check out the sights and smells of your local farmer's market before they close up for the season. Let the kids pick out fresh vegetables like sweet potatoes for a tastey soup.

6. Take a Family Picture

You can't get a better backdrop than the colors of Fall. Get family outside for some candid shots romping through the leaves...a perfect setup to put on your holiday cards.

7. Rake the Leaves, then...JUMP!

Why is it that kids are drawn to a pile of leave like moths to a flame? There's something about the soft crunch that breaks their fall as they fly through the air. Here's a little secret for you: It can be fun for adults too!

8. Cuddle By the Fire

Whether you have an outdoor pit or fireplace in your home, sitting with the family under blankets is a great way to appreciate the change in temperature. You don't have to be limited to just roasting marshmallows or making s'mores (but here's a great twist on that favorite with peanut butter or try almond butter). Cuddling by a fire is a great time to share stories and really connect with loved ones.

So what is YOUR favorite way to celebrate Fall? Share your ideas below and check out my Pinterest board dedicated to my favorite season!

 Fall-ing in Love,


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