Natural Mom Monday: Can You Have Plastic Surgery & Be a Holistic Mom?

While on beautiful Lake George this weekend with my family I had an interesting conversation with my mother-in-law about boob jobs.

I know that might seem like a strange topic for someone of my crunchy persuasion, but hear me out. I think most women can agree that, if given the opportunity, they would change SOMETHING about themselves physically. For some it might be the bump on their nose that keeps them feeling like "perfection" while for others it might be tiny ta-tas or sagging skin after loosing lots of weight.

In most ways I am very happy with my body. In the last 2 years, since having my son, I have made my physical health more of a priority. I've been able to maintain a weight I haven't seen since high school and I have WAY more energy.

Me and my H.S. BFF's in a wedding 7 years ago @ my heaviest

One year after giving birth to my 3rd child.

Me today
Being that I'm trying to live the most natural life that's possible, for me, it wouldn't make sense that I would sign up for plastic surgery to change something I didn't like, right? I mean part of living a holistic life is accepting the way you are a WHOLE.

For me that means sucking up the fact that I will NEVER wear a two piece bathing suit again because of the claw-like stretch marks that are painted across my belly. It may seem minor, but as 30 yr old mom of 3, I WISH I could rock a bikini on the beach and NOT feel like everyone is judging or staring.

Tummy tuck surgery could fix all of that.

It would be so easy. I totally get why people sign up for boob jobs, liposuction, and nose jobs. They feel like if they just change this "one thing" everything else will be perfect. If getting a tummy tuck would make me go from feeling 80% confident about myself to 100%, I just might do it.

But here's the risk I run---- once I've "fixed" one thing I'll start looking at all my other minor imperfections to see how I can change those. It would be a slippery slope for me.

For many women having one procedure is enough. And hey, if they are happy with their big perky boobs, I'm happy for them. Just because you live a natural or holistic life doesn't mean you should be banned from plastic surgery.

I would just look at the reason why you want the surgery. If you feel like getting a procedure done will enhance your your already stellar self confidence then by all means go for it!

If, however, you feel like in order to be happy, sexy, smart, attractive, confident, etc... you NEED to have this procedure done then you may want to take a pause. Quick fixes are just that--QUICK! They never last very long, and it will be only a matter of time before you NEED something else.

Just remember mommas-- all your bumps, curves, scars, tiny boobs, saggy flesh, or marks are unique to you. They make up who you are. I think all of us can stand a little less self-hate and little more self love.

Would you have surgery to change something you don't like on your body?

A Momma with a saggy tummy in Granolaville, 


Hey, be your lovely self and rock on in a two piece or bikini if you feel like it!

Don't get me wrong; get the 'tuck' if you feel like it...if you're seeking feedback, I find no contradiction with that, and eating/living generally holistically...

But if you don't mind some feedback, until then, Wear those life scars with Pride...some of us really don't care (men; we're less 'catty' ) and real people in general don't.... and who cares what petty and negative people think, anyway?

Mike Doraby

For me I think of plastic surgery as something I might do one day to kind of restore myself. I don't have kids yet but I think when I have them if my breast change dramatically from breast feeding I just might get a boob job or lift or something to restore them to how they once were.

I think anyone looking for perfection from a surgery or cosmetics or anything really is setting themselves up for dissapointment.

I started swimming again this summer and I noticed that I lost a little weight and a few pants size.
I've been snacking less and eatting less fried foods like fried chicken and pork chops.

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