Wellness Wednesday: The 3 Secrets to Shaping a Healthy Life

For months we've been talking about all the things you can do to achieve optimal holistic wellness. From creative and inexpensive ways to get a fat burning workout, to eating healthy on a dime, and 7 mantras that can change your life, creating a healthy lifestyle is just a matter of time and dedication.

If you are just starting your journey towards holistic and natural wellness you might not have a clear picture of what it is.

Obviously wellness is going to mean different things for different people, depending on life circumstances. But the key is to find what works best for you.

Now for the question at hand: What is Wellness?

To me wellness means finding a healthy balance of mind, body and soul. Each of those aspects deserve the same amount of attention.

1. Be Mindful

Life can get crazy. Which means it's very easy to get swept up in DOING, instead of just BEING. Our minds are constantly analyzing, remembering, strategizing, computing, and taking is loads of information . It can get exhausting. Learning to clear your mind through meditation can help you get rid of the "noise" and focus what is really important to you.

Having a clear mind also allows you to let go of whatever might be causing you stress, which can impact your physical health if gone unchecked.

2. Love your Body

Fitness products and "health" foods are billion dollar industries, but we can get caught up in the latest trend and forget that sometimes simpler is better. Achieving wellness in your body is a matter of getting out what you put in. When you consciously eat real foods you are giving your body permission to operate in a way that will make you feel alive with energy.

Your body WANTS to be healthy-- it yearns for healthy fats, whole vitamins, proteins, and minerals. And when you give it what it needs it WON'T fail you.

In addition to nourishing your body with healthy food, it also needs a moderate amount of activity. Luckily "working out" doesn't have to mean pricey gym memberships. Use the world around you. If you can break a sweat for just 20 minutes a day doing things like gardening, cleaning your house from top to bottom, or playing out in the yard with your kids, you'll have gotten in your "exercise" without making it feel like a chore.

3. Listen to your Spirit

When I talk about spirit I'm not speaking of your religious affiliation or even the higher power you may or may not believe in. I'm talking about YOUR spirit.

We often like to place blame on external factors for what's going on in our lives. "My boss sucks, my husband doesn't understand, my kids are out of control, my mother did this to me what I was a child." Deflecting our attention to others can  relieve some tension for a time, but those uncomfortable feeling always seem to return.

Instead, we can all benefit from turning inward to see what's stopping us from achieving wellness. Holding on to anger, not acknowledging fear, or ignoring sadness can manifest physically if not examined. Letting go of pain, learning to love yourself unconditionally, and seeing the joy around you can start you on a path to finding wellness in the rest of your life.

We all deserve to have a fulfilling and healthy life. Figuring out what wellness looks like for you is the first step to making it happen.

Which of these 3 areas are most challenging for you?

Finding a Balance in Granolaville, 


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